Monday, April 21, 2008

Violence because of sexual orientation

Today in our society people all over the world think violence is the answer to solving problems. Yea sometimes violence is the ONLY answer... but not all problems CAN be SOLVED with violence.

Around the world people in countries are dying because of their sexual orientation. People do not have the right to execute anyone for any reason. Especially in Iraq. Gay men are afraid to even go out and buy bread for themselves. Violent acts have been a common problem about people who are homosexuals. At a central park there were 4 shootings. Why do people use violence to try and stop this kind of issue? You can't stop homosexuals nor can you stop violence. Hate crimes are often in the world all around.

Today hate crimes are still the same towards race, sex, religion, and sexual orientation.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Homosexual Rights

Is giving all the homosexuals in the world rights a good thing or bad thing? Is it right to keep them with no rights? There are no right or wrong answers to these questions because this issue is an opinion. You can't find a fact saying that the government needs to give them rights. People say homosexuals should have equal rights some say that they shouldn't... who is right and who is wrong? Personally when it comes to this issue I say that homosexuals should have rights as we straight people because it does not seem fair with the rights straight people have compared to the rights homosexuals barely have. No one has the right to tell anyone who to like or want to spend the rest of their life with. Today homosexual rights is still a big issue to the United States.

When it comes to marriage people argue over that issue also. Clinton says that if she becomes president she would expand homosexual rights. She says states like New Jersey and Massachusetts are also extending rights to homosexual couples and so the federal government should recognize that and should do the same to other states.

When people are out in public with their special one they like to show affection by holding hands hugging and kissing. People have no problems with straight people but when they see homosexuals they get offended. So it makes sense to let straight people show their love but then homosexuals can't? It's not fair for homosexuals. When is comes to marriage you want to spend you life with that special someone and cherish them with your life. Homosexuals have the same feelings as me and you but they have them towards the same sex as them. Every human being in this world has the right to be and love who ever they wan

Homosexual Questions